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Lexport holds the absolute copyright for this website and its content, including the color scheme, schematic representation and its entire look and feel.
The content of the website is not meant for any unauthorized download, reproduction and transmission by any means whatsoever. Any unauthorized reproduction / transmission of any portion of the content will tantamount to infringement, which may attract appropriate infringement action. This is however excepted in respect of fair use gateways set out in the Copyright law.
Lexport has made all efforts to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the content and information used in the website. However, Lexport shall not be liable/responsible for any inadvertent inaccuracy.
The content used in the website, more specifically in the sections relating to legal resources have been collated, compiled and included for the benefit of the users at large on best effort basis in a bonafide manner. Lexport however does not take any responsibility for the correctness/accuracy of the same. Anybody relying upon it will do so at his/her own volition and risk. It is however advisable to take appropriate written legal opinion before acting on any situation as different circumstances warrant different legal solutions. In any case no portion of the content should be construed as legal opinion/advise.
Lexport doesn’t undertake uninterrupted and unfettered availability of the entire content on the website. Though proper care has been taken to ensure error-free content, no guarantee is however taken regarding the same. Similarly in view of the technological reasons and the prevalence of a variety of worms, Lexport does not also guarantee that the content available on the website is free from viruses or the like. Lexport does not assume any liability/responsibility for any damage to person/property for such reasons.
Please note that the Indian law does not permit any solicitation of work by Lawyers/Law Firms or any advertisements for the said purpose. This website is therefore divided into two separate areas. The Legal Resources area is open to all visitors to the website. However, Lexport firm profile is only meant for clients and acquaintances who make specific request for accessing such content. By entering the profile portion of the website, the visitor acknowledges that:-
a. There is no solicitation / advertisement / inducement / invitation of any nature by Lexport; b. The website is only for dissemination of information; c. Profile of Lexport is being made available to only those users who are either clients of Lexport or its acquintances who have made specific request to visit the Profile pages;
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