LEXport Indirect Taxation Budget 2015 Snapshot by Srinivas Kotni

Article on Modi Government™ quest for meaningful legislative reforms

Reforms, in any area of governance, are a function of political will. Managing the balance of power within the government and the continued trust and goodwill of the electorate are factors which serve not only as the source of political will but also nourishes and sustains it. This is more pertinent in a parliamentary democracy like India, with its demographic and territorial size, its diversity as also its federal structure and constitutional distribution of legislative powers between the Union and the State legislatures.


The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India makes policy pronouncements on FDI through Press Notes/ Press Releases which are notified by the Reserve Bank of India as amendments to the Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by Persons Resident Outside India) Regulations, 2000

Service Tax Update

Finance Act, 2015: As we all know the Hon’ble President has given his assent to the Finance Bill, 2015 on May 14, 2015 and consequently, the Finance Act, 2015 (No. 20 of 2015) has been notified in the official gazette

Note on GST by Srinivas Kotni

Indian Constitution is based on the federal system in which residual powers of legislation remain with Central Government. The Constitution of India also provides comprehensive lists bifurcating the powers, duties, responsibilities between Central and States government.

Commencing Law Practice: Litigation Vs. Corporate Work: Difficult Choices by Mr. Srinivas Kotni

The function of legal education like any other discipline is to produce an informed, skilled, ethical and thinking individual. Now, when we try to see that function in relation to the topic of our article, it's very ormulation "Commencing Law Practice: Litigation us. Corporate work" suggests that there is something which is a matter of concern bordering on anxiety, for the students, teachers, policy makers/decision makers or the visionaries who are perceiving a discernible trend in career choices in law, towards corporate practice over litigation practice.

Flow Chart Of Events In Case Of Revival Of a Sick Company by Srinivas Kotni and Vaibhav Jain

Fifty per cent erosion of net worth (Section 23) - Any Industrial Company (“Company”) whose fifty per cent of the net worth is being eroded within its preceding four financial years, then such a Company must within 60 days from the date of finalization of its audited accounts.

Revised ECB Framework by Srinivas Kotni and Ankita Singh

The Reserve Bank of India ("RBI") vide its Circular dated November 30, 2015 has released the revised framework for External Commercial Borrowings ("ECB"). RBI has attempted to expand and diversify the ECB regime keeping in view the today's economic scenario.

Challenges in Corporate Governance analysis by Srinivas Kotni, Sumit Wadhwa & Rasu Sharma

Challenges in Corporate Governance under Companies Act, 2013 & SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015.