Credits to Lexport by Mr. Jitendra Bhargava in his book titled "The Descent of Air India"

The an insider's view of how Descent a once globally cherished brand of was grounded by those entrusted Air India with the task of making it soar.

Detailed Note on SVB New Circulars by Srinivas Kotni ,Sumit Wadhwa & Tanushree Bose

Detailed note on Special Valuation Branch (“SVB”) proceedings as per new Circulars issued by the Central Board of Excise & Customs in case of import from related party.

Critical analysis of CBEC's Circular & Notification regarding registration of traders by Rasu Sharma

Government reduces requirements for obtaining second registration (if already registered as a dealer or an importer) but leaving doubt for those assessees who are registered as both a dealer and an importer.

Procedural Aspects and Process of Amalgamation by Rasu Sharma

Procedural aspects and process of amalgamation between two Private Limited Companies - A Court Based Restructuring.

Lexport GST Presentation by Srinivas Kotni